dhscKwel Query Explorer
Connects to several SQL Engine: Oracle, SQL Server, Firebird, Interbase, MySQL, PostGRE. Generate SQL clause for Primary keys, Index, columns, select, update, insert. Export Query to CSV, SQL Inserts, JSON and can extract BLOBs directly to file system. ( 32bit version will required 32bit SQL client library, and 64bit version will required 64bit SQL client library ) More information
Very fast Network Scanner and a Ping Monitoring useful tool-set that provides network administrators and IT professionals near real-time LAN/WAN status. More information
dhsWOL Suite
This suite is designed to keep devices online during active hours and optionally turn them off, both manually or automatically.
The client app can configure each devices properties like hostname, MAC address, active hours, shutdown hours and allows to wake-up or shutdown several devices when needed with a button click. In case of an emergency, you can shutdown all devices.
If the service is installed and running, each device will be checked and woke-up (or shutdown) automatically using the active hours and shutdown hours. NB: You must configure WOL properly in your OS and BIOS! It's free, enjoy! More information
Controle financeiro com planejamento anual e fluxo de caixa previsto e realizado. Maiores informações
dhsBackup v1.00 Selecione diversas pastas e arquivos com o objetivo de compactá-los num unico arquivo ( ZIP acima de 4GBs ).
( Windows 32 & 64-bits )
dhsFTP v1.00a Faca upload de arquivos para um site de forma mais rapida e segura que o commando nativo FTP do DOS.
( Windows 32 & 64-bits )